Categoria: Getting Around

  • Trains


  • Airports & Transfers

    Airports & Transfers

    Rome has two public airports – Fiumicino (Leonardo da Vinci) and Ciampino. …Fiumicino Airport – This is Rome’s main airport and is is well-connected with the center during the day by train, bus or taxi.

  • Metro, Buses & Trams

    Metro, Buses & Trams

    … The Metro The Roman metro (called Metropolitana by residents) goes around rather than through the historical city. It has only two lines, Metro A (red) and Metro B (blue), which intersect at Termini Central Station. While the Metro C (yellow) is for the most part still under construction, some stations are already functional. Trains run approximately every…

  • Rome on Foot & Scooter

    Rome on Foot & Scooter

    …Renting bikes or scooters Although many sights in Rome are within walking distance or accessible by public transportation, two wheels will give you the freedom to see exactly what interests you in less time. To really “do as the Romans do” you have to drive around on a Vespa. You’ll have no trouble finding rental places…